Hi Herman,
I think that we, at Cinelerra CV project could start accepting computer
donation for development.
If I could do a ssh to a powerpc machine, I'd be very happy to help.

rafael diniz

> On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:50:02 +0200, Rafael Diniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> last year I made packages for my G3 running slackintosh,
>> and every thing worked fine.
>   Now, that's a not quite enough information to be helpful to me,
> as I would rather fix this apparently modest problem than switch
> to Slackware.  I'm glad you were lucky, but I'd like to know _why_,
> so others can be lucky, too.  On their own distros, mind you. :-)
>   Can you search in your configure file for the string
> PKG_CHECK_MODULES ?  On my laptop configure doesn't contain
> such strings (I guess pkg-config isn't used, for some reason),
> only configure.in.  And therefore I don't run into the error I
> get on the Mac mini.  Maybe that was the case when you built
> Cinelerra on your G3, too?
>> unfortunately, my G3 died...
>   Aaaw
> --
> Herman Robak
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