On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Andreas Hermann Braml wrote:
> trademark != copyright
> Is Cinelerra registered as trademark by Heroinewarrior?

Even if it were, I'm pretty sure that the GPL permits the package to keep
its name when it's modified or updated.  However, as others have pointed
out, the really important issue here is what's fair and right, not "what
can we legally get away with?"  Given that there is no other cinelerra
package available for Gentoo, I think it's perfectly reasonable (fair and
right) to use the name "cinelerra" for the only cinelerra package that
exists.  However, if the system supports it (and I imagine it does) it'd
probably be best for this to be done through some kind of aliasing
mechanism - just like you can probably install something called "kernel"
and get "kernel-", maybe there could be a package called
"cinelerra"  that currently gives you "cinelerra-cv" but could be easily
switched to some other cinelerra at such time as there is one.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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