On Sat, 2008-12-13 at 11:55 +0100, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> > On my month old build of Fedora 9, x86-64, I'm using ATrpms for a small set 
> > of, but very important, Cinelerra dependencies, sixteen programs in all:
> Could you give the same kind of tests with F-10 x86_64 and RPM Fusion
> i bet you won't have any others issues
> (if you pick the cinelerra-cv package from my own repository)
> The problem with ATrpms is that there is only one person behind, and
> he lacks time raising compilation problem upstream. Instead, RPM
> Fusion is community maintained and contributors are working with
> merging their patches upstream. So the RPM Fusion works will also
> benefit to others and will allow a better knowledge base, when
> answering possible bug reports. (usually).
> I doubt anyone having a comprehensive understanding of the difference
> between each of theses repository will pick even one package from
> ATrpms.
> Nicolas (kwizart)
Hi Nicolas,
You make some good points.  I did read about Fusion here:

It seems like a very good idea to reduce the number of third party
repositories..less confusion and stepping on each others toes.

As I just built out the Fedora 9 system and got it working fairly
seemlessly, I'm a little wary of jumping to 10.  This weekend, I'll be
creating backup images of Fedora 9 boot/root.  Having an image of my
current system that I can always rollback to is a start to feeling more
comfortable about making the jump to 10.

I'll let you know how things go as I make progress.

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