
Am 19.10.2010 00:33, schrieb Rob:

--- On Sun, 10/17/10, Ichthyostega<p...@ichthyostega.de>  wrote:

I agree that using the quicktime wrapper as an
intermediate format is a good
thing, ... However, the sound support seems pretty


However, the defacto standard for pc pcm sound

In containers invented by Microsoft (like wav or avi), yes.
On all Apple formats it's pcm_s16be. I would be careful
calling something "defacto standard".

The best supported uncompressed audio format in quicktime
is "twos" (big endian, 16 bit). But there is also a "sowt"
codec, (little endian, 16 bit), which is identical to
M$-style formats.

processed as follows: ffmpeg -i 01.MTS -vcodec mjpeg
-deinterlace -s 848x480
-r 29.97 \ -sameq -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ab 48000

This should make a "sowt" audio track

We all know Cinelerra is queer :-D But maybe ffmpeg is
"crossed over" too...

I don't know is cinelerra supports "sowt". But it could easily be
added though. "twos" always works.

I had only success when using big endian sound samples,
i.e. "-acodec pcm_s16be" when transcoding with ffmpeg

This makes "twos"

OK. so I downloaded the quicktime file format specification document from apple 
and it came to me like a vision, like a flash written across the sky...or at 
least on one of the pages in the PDF document:

quicktime is a network order wrapper format.  It likes things in big endian 

and that's always the question with wrappers: do they expect the data in them 
to follow their byte ordering?  has lead to much pulling of out of my hair on 
other projects as well, dealing with obscure networking protocols.

In theory the container and codec should be independent. In practice,
the company which defines the container also defines the codecs. And
therefore the byte ordering is usually the same.
Quicktime is actually the more flexible format since it has a "sowt"
codec. Storing big endian audio in wav or avi isn't possible AFAIK.


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