> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Russ Foster" <r...@russfoster.com>
> To: cinelerra@skolelinux.no
> Sent: Friday, November 5, 2010 12:22:46 PM
> Subject: RE: [CinCV] headless farm

> The CV docs says the processors should be "the same" (or something like that).
> I understand the part that processing power (for a farm) should be semi-equal 
> among each node, but do they need to be "the same" processor? 
> i.e. Can I mix Intel quad-cores with dual-cores, Intels with AMDs?
> There exists a random assortment of machines around the house but I do most 
> of the front-end work on a laptop (due to convenience/portability).
> I was playing with the idea of either setting up a farm of "1"; do the front 
> end work on the laptop and push the rendering to one of the more powerful 
> servers I have laying around... or...
> Use two machines--which would have different processing capabilities.  Even a 
> farm of 2 asymmetric machines should complete the task > faster than just 1.  
> Or am I asking for trouble?

You can go crazy with any configurations you want; however, you'll notice the 
applied across the boxes will be uneven.  I remember some machines doing 
nothing waiting for the others to be done with a job.  However, that might have 
been because of the type of file I was rendering to, Quicktimes versus MPEGs.  
Now I'm remembering..with MPEGs, the files are rendered in different pieces 
numbered sequentially.  After the render is done, you need to assemble those 
pieces of a video into the whole.  Easy enough to do.  Then you can script that 

I remember the experience being somewhat disappointing.  But if you have the 
extra horsepower around and are encoding in large volumes, the renderfarm might 
meet your need.  And you can only get so much joy (read: optimal performance) 
from the multithreading parameters in ffmpeg or mpeg2enc.  ;)

Life ain't perfect in the land of Linux video editing.  (Callout to Doug 
Pollard's post of a couple weeks back).  "It is what it is" unless you have the 
programming chops to fix it.


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