Am 20.07.2011 18:12, schrieb Haldun ALTAN:
> I followed the discussion about installing cinelerra 4,2 on ubuntu 10,04.... 
> Following grandma's way. I just wanted to know if we can have the two version
> together ? Is there any conflict or tips to avoid them ?

Hi Haldun,

do you mean:
installing HV-Version4.2 and CV-2.1.5 simultaneously on the same system?

That's dangerous or even impossible, because Cinelerra loads parts of the
code as "dynamic library", which might lead to mixing up code from both
versions in an unpredictable manner. (It depends very much on minute
details of your setup if this works or causes problems).

or did you mean:
Why can't we just create a version which joins both codebases togther
and gives us the best of both worlds?

Indeed, that's a bit depressing. It *would* be possible and for sure
would bring ahead the Cinelerra community by a large step. Unfortunately
doing so requires some amount of work. Work, which is not exciting,
just rewarding in the sense of having achieved something. Judging
from my gut feelings, I'd guess that to be about one week of full
time developer work.

What puzzles me is, this just doesn't happen since some years now.
And what's yet more surprising is, that -- for earlier versions,
like 2.0 or 2.1, it *did* happen. The breaking point, where this
changed was around 2007, if I recall correct. But I'm still at
a loss, when it comes to understanding what actually changed?
Was the community more vibrant at those good old times?
Did Cinelerra look more attractive in those years?
Was there a change in the general Opensource culture??

        Hermann V.

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