Speaking from the perspective of an end user, and someone who is sadly in no 
position to contribute to any kind of coding, the major thing that HV offers 
that CV doesn't is nested sequences - i.e. the ability to import another .xml 
cinelerra project file into a new project as a clip and treat it as such.  So 
you can build complex masks, etc., in one project file and not have to make a 
choice between either rendering the complex sequence and losing quality before 
importing into a larger file, or having to build the sequence within a much 
larger project (which brings more issues of program stability, and the 
challenge of not accidentally unsynching tracks, etc.)  
It's a really sweet feature that is pretty much my #1 request for CV.  Here are 
the other things I can recall HV offers that CV doesn't that I guess would be 
goals to include in a merge:  
HV does also have a few nice new effects, such as a lens effect and a couple of 
others I forget off the top of my head.  It has bezier curves for histograms on 
the timeline (fade/pan/zoom).  It has a ruler tool in the compositor just to 
check lengths against each other.  
There's a bug in CV where when you use masks, everything interpolates between 
keyframes except transparency/feathering, which just changes at the keyframe.  
(I've filed a bug report on this for completeness, though obviously I know 
there's not a lot of bug fixing going on right now).  HV does not have this 
I'm sure I'm missing something big, but those are most of the differences in 
terms of improvements available in HV.  
Insofar as what CV offers that HV doesn't, well, firstly I like the pipe 
rendering option for .m2v stuff which HV doesn't have.  In general I prefer 
CV's interface, defaults and rendering options (stuff such as the pipe, and the 
way CV defaults to applying an effect to a single clip rather than the entire 
track, and defaults to rendering the whole project rather than using the 
playhead as a starting point for the render).  Partly this is just familiarity, 
but yeah, I like how CV feels to use more than HV.  
In terms of features, as I've said, I like the additional rendering options 
available in CV (at least the working ones) and I also REALLY like and 
frequently make use of the Reroute effect which is only available in CV.  It's 
not an HV effect and HV has nothing similar.  I think you'd have to spoof it 
using nested sequences which would be a real pain.  
Hopefully that will help breakdown what at least this end user sees as the 
major differences between the versions if a merge is being considered?  I'd 
certainly REALLY like a merge for th reasons stated above.  
I'm unsure if it would be in any way feasible given the people involved, but I 
would absolutely be interested in donating to a kickstarter project or 
something like that designed to fund a developer for a week to get this done.   

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