Hello from Sri Lanka. I run Cinelerra on several computers and has been using it for the past 5 year in my Video production and Editing on 2 Television Channels.
I have of recent found that If I open a certain xml file then it will change my display and I will loose the Video editing facility in Cinelerra. I have put up the files on my server and you can download the files from http://learntv.lk/cinelerra.zip In the files are 2 snapshots of what happens, 2 xml files (one good and one bad) 2 Cinelerra.rc files (One good and one bad) I have overcome the problem by replacing the bad Cinelerra.rc file with a good one. Howeveer I feel it must be possible to do this from the Graphic interface rather than one having to copy and replace files. Please have a look at the files and you will understand the Problem. Regards Mettavihari