Hi Raffaella,

I new I could depend on this list.
Just for your info....I run 2 Television Channels here in Sri Lanka
completely on Open Source.
If anyone ever come this way, please do not forget to look me up.
I am personally on mettavihari ... xatx gmail.com


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:45 AM, Raffaella Traniello <
raffaella.tranie...@g-raffa.eu> wrote:

> Hi Mettavihari!
> I compared your two .rc files with Meld diff viewer.
> The only serious difference was:
> Good:
> Bad:
> In your "bad" screenshot I saw the video fade line disappearing:
> video fade is your wrong setting.
> Opening your "bad" XML confirmed that.
> Look at the bottom of your program window: there is an audio fade
> button. Click on the arrow on the right and select video fade.
> Make sure the automation range value is set to to "0.0 to 100.0"
> In your bad XML it was set to "0.0 to 1.0"
> Happy fading! :-)
> Ciao
> Raffaella
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> Cinelerra@skolelinux.no
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