On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Tim Copeland <t...@criteriondigital.net> wrote:
> Not understanding why you would want to force a clamped output at all.

I don't; I was suggesting only an assumed internal space where we know
the intensity curve, black point and white point.  I wasn't suggesting
_clipping_ to that space (although both clipping and not clipping are
fraught with their own perils.)

> Though it may properly apply
> to most application, I feel certain there are many who will want a full
> dynamic range. Not all my footage
> will be used for broadcast purposes. If my render farm goes to all the time
> and trouble to process full
> floating point images, why would I want my output forced to anything less
> than the max range available?
> If at some point I need my footage in the studio swing, there are tons of
> tools available to convert it.

FTR, when I said studio swing I wasn't implying 8 bit either :-)


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