På Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:12:25 +0100, skrev Basil Chupin <blchu...@iinet.net.au>:

However, when I put the ABOVE file, after it has been converted to avi by mencoder, into Cinelerra, the resulting edited file which appears in the COMPOSITOR window is a zoomed version of the original- ie, I lose part of the picture on all 4 sides. BUT, the TIMELINE shows each frame as it should look - ie, there is no loss of picture and all the details is therefore there as in the original recording.

I'm pretty sure it's because the track canvas size is smaller than the
video's and the project's resolution.  Old annoyance, that has bitten me
time and again.

Do as Haldun suggested, right-click on the video track, and pick the
"to project size" item.  That should do the trick.

Aside: Sometimes, smaller sized tracks ARE useful.  But Cinelerra's
behaviour does not quite fit the "user model", obviously.

Herman Robak

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