First off, I apologize for being so chatty lately it just seems there 
has been an abundance of networking issues cropping about.

        Secondly, I had the strangest issue earlier today and I am wondering if 
anyone else has ever had this happen. Box is a 6513 with 2x Sup-720 (regular 
old school ones) not doing anything except for OSPF and just plain packet 

        I got a syslog entry e-mailed to me about it failing over from slot 7 
to slot 8 and I thought great, worked, no downtime woo hoo!

        About 30 seconds later I noticed roughly half of the systems connected 
were missing, the blessing is this is a old switch but we have hardly anything 
attached to it. ;-)

        The configuration in show run looked like this:

        Interface FastEthernet 5/28
        Interface FastEthernet 5/29
        Interface FastEthernet 5/29
        Interface FastEthernet 5/29

      Vlan 101

        So I restored the config, reloaded it and everything was normal again.

        My question is, is there something I can do to prevent this in the 
future, or is this just one of those bad luck things? Maybe the configuration 
was syncing between the two when it failed (or that caused it to fail???)


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