On Wed, 5 Jan 2011, Aaron wrote:

So, how would you propose that the system know that you are looking for an IPV6 
config vs something else like a description or named acl/tunnel/etc?

Yeah I thought of that but failed to mention it. In short, one wouldn't put the (impossible ?) burden on the parser to make that determination.

I think the 'right' thing to do is (for Cisco) follow the RFC(s) as the other posters helpfully pointed out (great info, exactly what I was looking for).

I think the short answer for now is 'deal with it'. The longer answer is stay tuned to cisco-nsp/release notes/etc. to see if/when it is changed in the future.

This is the kind of 'minor detail' that I like to be sure I understand, and then put into training material I put together for our internal folks. Thanks to all who replied.
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