On May 22, 2014, at 8:42 AM, Charles Sprickman <sp...@bway.net> wrote:

> Complicated in that we have hundreds of interfaces.

Script it as part of your provisioning process, it's done.

>  Unwise in that my gut tells me enabling it on hundreds of subscriber 
> interfaces is going to exhaust some resource that I’m not aware of.

In this case, your gut is being overly cautious.


>  That’s probably just paranoia, but without knowing the inner workings of the 
> platform I can’t really say.

I can.  It isn't a concern.


> That’s just it - it’s not “routers”, but a single router with two transit 
> connections and a bunch of subs.  I’m only concerned with looking at traffic 
> to/from the internet, not any inter-subscriber traffic.

Actually, you should be very concerned with inter-subscriber traffic, from both 
a traffic engineering/capacity planning perspective as well as a security 

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

                   Equo ne credite, Teucri.

                          -- Laocoön

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