Just a tiny tidbit related to TCAM reallocation, make sure the SP bootvar's config register matches the RP bootvar's config register. In tech-speak, 'sh bootv | i eg' should match 'rem com sw sh bootv | i eg'. If it doesn't, "conf t; config-register 0x2142; end; conf t; config-register 0x2102; end; copy run start" and recheck. A mismatch in how the SP pre-configures itself is immaterial for the basics of IOS configuration stuff, but fatal with respect to TCAM; the box will forcibly reload after 5 minutes endlessly until fixed.

On 10/20/2015 1:55 AM, James Bensley wrote:
On 14 October 2015 at 13:32, krunal shah <krun.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
hi NSPs,

Is any one doing 6VPE and importing full IPv4 and IPv6 routes in same VRF?

I am planning to implement full IPv6 and IPv4 routes in same VRF that is
used for internet service and other PE routers would only get subset or
default routes. Suip has 4 GB of memory, My 1M TCAM space is carved with

FIB TCAM maximum routes :
Current :-
  IPv4                - 768k
  MPLS                - 16k (default)
  IPv6 + IP Multicast - 120k (default)

We are not doing this on any 7600 's but will be shortly so we'll
start testing soon. Our 7600's are being bumped up to 15.3(3)S6, all
running with RSP720-3XCL-10GE's and the TCAMs will be repartitioned,
this will then hopefully see them out until they are decomissioned.

The TCAMs need reallocating as they are currently carrying a lot of
VPNv4 routes as well as the full IPv4 table and 6VPE was not
envisioned, however your partitioning of the TCAM seems a litte too
favourable for IPv6 for our needs;

FIB TCAM maximum routes :
Current :-
  IPv4 + MPLS         - 960k (default)
  IPv6                - 16k
  IP Multicast        - 16k

FIB TCAM usage:                     Total        Used       %Used
  72 bits (IPv4, MPLS, EoM)       983040      658740     67%

I will probably aim for 60k IPv6 routes, so it's enough to phase out
the boxes and that's it. Be careful that these boxes will start to CPU
switch packets before you run out of TACM. When you see these logs
you're in trouble;

  usage is at 95% capacity for IPv4 unicast protocol

  entries will be software switched

  entries will be software switched

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