What codec is in use in capture of bad call? Diagnostic CDRs aka Severely
Concealed Seconds (SCCR) shows what? How are users connected? Packetloss or
high delay usually causes poor audio. I don't like G729 as in packet loss
sounds worse, wish CUBE had OPUS (coming).


On Mon, Jul 13, 2020, 10:51 AM Scott Voll <svoll.v...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All--
> we are using Jabber 12.8 with CM 12.5 in a voice only mode.  we have users
> reporting digitized voice call quality.  has anyone else been dealing with
> this?
> we have had multiple users say if they add Video to the call it makes it
> better.  Anyone else seeing that?  Any ideas why that would be better?
> what else can we do to make this work better?  TAC has not been able to
> help with this after multiple weeks of engagement.
> any thoughts?
> Scott
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