>Yes, "clear xlate" is what you want.  Clear xlate will knock people off but
>more than likely they will "refresh" their browser if it's web base.  FTP
>connection may timeout and telnet session will drop.  You said "you might 
>well reboot if you're gonna clear xlate" - but the PIX takes about a minute
>to reboot as opposed to clear xlate being an instant function.  In an
>environment where I work we have 5000+ users on the inside interface 
>the outside (internet) and dmz interfaces.  A reboot would get me fired!
I can't believe you can clear xlate for all 5000+ users and get away with it.  Maybe 
you don't have much telnet but when I tried clear xlate years ago for the first time 
my users certainly let me know I can't do it again.  I now do my reloads or clears 
late at night over my DSL connection.


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