good idea. the best way to shake these blues is to take action. It is only through consistent action that any of us will make it to the top of the long grade!
I have begun the CID course - Global Knowledge's e-learning version - with the plan to complete my CCDP by month end. then the long climb continues. I will probably take the Cvoice specialty in July or august, with the big written one in October of so.
My plan -
1) take the monthly certification zone practice tests
2) do the monthly certification zone white paper / test / lab
3) chunk the protocols - BGP read whomever covers BGP, OSPF, read whatever sources I have for OSPF
4) teach a little. I mean it guys, I have the ability now to put my routers on the net. I think we have the tools in place. we can use the chat site as the classroom, and folks can telnet in, and we can get down and do it. teaching will help me assimilate what I think I know. and if I help folks along the way, al of us are better for it
5) continue to grow
we got a great thing here. some of us just don't know it. we have the tools. we have the means. we have the interest. we have the willingness.
to quote the great Vorlon network engineer, "Who are you? You have a hole in your network!"
to quote the great network engineer Dirty Harry "was it six hops, or only five? In all the excitement, I lost track myself"
let's have some fun!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: CCIE Groupstudy - Just for Nigel

Hi all
As I have been waiting for ages to get onto the CCIE list I thought I might as well get everyone who is about to do their lab together for a little brainstorming about preparation.
My preparation is as follows:
I also have been reading selectively from Halabi, Thomas, CCIE case studies and Cisco Lan Switching. For labs I have been looking at Fatkid and Cetificationzone. My concerns at this stage are the common ISDN, ATM, VOICE lack of equipment. I'll try to do as much as I can of this in the Cisco practise lab.
What are you doing for preparation ? Any great sites, labs etc you can recommend. Lets pool our knowledge and get this done before it becomes any harder.

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