This refers to your other mail "ip and subnet" also....a few observations:
Do u really have so many hosts on each floor that u need to choose a /16 subnet?
If not, then this is a wasteful use of Ip address space.
I hope u have concluded that floor-wise subnetting is the best option after studying ur traffic pattern.
The easiest thing for u would be to trash this addresing scheme, and go for a completely new scheme..
I suggest :
All routers and servers on course, i'm totally ignoring your assigned IP from the ISP :-) )
1st Floor : all hosts on
2nd Floor : all on
3rd  Floor : all on and so on
And to make things easier administratively, mebbe u could just use dynamic addressing floor-wise....
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 14:11:50 GMT
>From: "SH Wesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: IP Addressing
>I currently have one floor where my routers and servers are.  These are
>address as 10.100.1.x and 10.100.2.x addresses with a subnet of /16.  I'm
>adding two more floors.  However, in adding two more floors can I address
>these floors as for instance 10.100.11.x, 10.100.12.x, 10.100.13.x, and
>10.100.14.x with a subnet mask of /24.  I'm confused as to how this may work
>if I have them all at a /24 subnet mask, a /16 subnet mask in the current
>floor and /24 subnet mask in the new floors, or even changing everything
>including the existing floor and new floors all to reflect /24.  Any help
>with this ip address stuff and how the new floors can be integrated would be
>greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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