> The console cable and port work fine (9600 baud etc - have 
> even tried other baud rates in case someone changed the 
> default) - I can plug it into one of
> the other routers and it works fine for hours. Nothing I type 
> has any effect including carraige return.

A few dumb ideas that I didn't already see go past:

- Throw hyperterm away.  Putting it politely, it sucks.
        Get teraterm, use teraterm, love teraterm.

- Can you telnet to the router ?  Anything funny about the
        con0 settings ?  (e.g. I turned exec off one-time, by 
        accident, very confusing ;-)

- Get anything on the AUX port ?   Will /it/ talk to you ?

- Can you r-telnet to the AUX port, and push bytes in /both/
        directions ?    (don't think you can r-telnet con0)

- Think the RS232 (serial cable voltages, etc.) might be
        marginal ?  I've heard urban legends about laptops etc.
        that don't drive enough volts'n'amps to communicate
        properly.   Got another router you could r-telnet
        /from/, that'd definitely drive hard enough ?

- Can you power-cycle and send a break on boot ?  Can you
        talk to rommon, then ?   Can you erase all the
        config, etc., and start from scratch, in case 
        something got corrupted invisibly ?

- Did both routers come from the same source ?  Is it possible
        that the RJ45 jacks on both consoles got damaged by
        the previous owner (e.g. by plugging in RJ11 jacks)
        so they only sorta work ?

- Got any warranty or smartnet on the boxes ?  Call 'em in...

Let us know how, if/when you fix it;  we feel your pain :-/


Bought a 2621, plugged it up, noticed it was rebooting
every ~5mins (or more often, if pinged :-)   Loaded 3 different
versions of IOS (12.0(x), 12.1(x)), still crash/reloading.

Called TAC.  Engineer said, repeatedly, "it's a s/w problem!"
Asked him to call me back w/ the fix.

Called TAC back, a couple hours later.
"It's a s/w problem! I'm still investigating..."

Told him I needed a new router (#define SHOUTING, when
he tried to tell me that autosense 10/100/FD might
cause crashes/reloads :-)
Swapped the router, loaded the IOS & config.  Happy.

IOW, maybe you just have Broken Stuff and you shouldn't
spend too long trying to find a software fix for a hardware

Per the other router thread, we config'd a Sun to route
to cover our butts;  remember ndd /dev/ip ip_forwarding 1,
y'all :-)


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