
Congratulations.  I had the same issue with that security question.  I took
the test four times (62, 59, 64 and 68.  I refused to study for the test
until after attempt  #3 where I got 64) and got what appeared to me to be
the "security question" in each one of the tests.  The first two times I
picked the one I though was the right answer (the one that was wrong out of
the four.  There were three correct).  The next two times I picked different
answers and I still got that question wrong.  I strongly believe that the
choice I didn't pick (the last one of the three that were correct) is not
the right answer to the question.

As for the test, studying to pass the test DID NOT HELP IMPROVE MY DESIGNING
SKILLS.  The way the test was presented is a very bad way to truly test your
designing skills.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Larrieu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 8:56 AM
To: Cisco Mail List
Subject: CCDP Success! 

Spend a wonderful long weekend studying. Great appreciation to my wife, who
took the kids a lot of places for long periods of time so that I could
concentrate. Covered those topics I took for granted the first time through.
The result? Success!!!!!

..........................First Time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Second Time
Intro/Net Design         8/8                            8/4   ( didn't
review this - lots of core/dist/access questions )
Campus Lan Design   8/5                             8/7   the lord givith,
the lord taketh away :->
TCP/IP Net Design     25/13                        26/22   study helps :->
Desktop protocols       25/14                        25/21    ditto
Wan Design                26/19                         25/18   x.25 and SNA
WAN issues, probably
SNA design                 7/2                             7/4   helps to
know an acronym or two
Security issues             1/0                             1/0

This last section is interesting. There was one question which appeared on
both tests. It did fit into this category, so I am assuming this is the
question. There were three correct and one incorrect answer. I am still
convinced that there is a typo on the test, and the real question is "which
is NOT", which is how the question is scored. If I had been feeling a bit
more contrary, I would have answered it that way just to see. Instead, I
tried to pick the "most correct" of the three ( a different answer than with
the previous attempt )

Sure as hell seemed like there were more than 7 SNA questions. Which leads
me to believe that some of it is categorized under WAN design.

Having taken the CID course, and having the class materials was quite
helpful. In addition, I read much of Robert Padjen's  Cisco Internetwork
Design Study Guide, and the Cisco Press book Cisco Internetwork Design,
edited by Matthew Birkner. Each source has it's strengths and weaknesses. I
would say that the class materials provided the best foundation, but alone
might not be enough to pass. I also reviewed a bit of Laura Chappel's Cisco
Internetwork Troubleshooting for certain protocols. The Boson tests proved
valuable as well. Then there were the flashcard pages - Bernard's and
Priscilla's. I was planning to give a review of the study materials, but I
find I am too tired tonight, after a long day of customer meetings and then
the test. The caffeine high is starting to fade.

Word of advice to those looking at this test - do not take anything for
granted. You can see from the section breakdowns that TCP/IP, Desktop, and
WAN are the bulk of the test. These are key, and it should not be assumed
that just because you passed the CCNP tests, that you know enough to pass
the CID, particularly with it's manner of regarding these areas.
Understanding of Cisco's design methodology is also important, and can
provide some cushion.

Whelp, that's about it for tonight. See y'all on the road to the CCIE
written. There might be a stop along the way for Cvoice, but maybe not, with
business picking up the way it is. All those CIO's who've spent the first
half of the year diddling around suddenly are realizing they have work to
do. :->

Thanks again to all of you who participate here. There is much to be learned
here as well.

CCNP/Security, CCDP!!!!! Yes!!!!

Please check out my new footers for a new age
1) Altruism
Please help feed hungry people worldwide. A few seconds a day can make a
difference to many people

2) Shameless Hucksterism
An excellent study focal point for all levels of certification, as well as
the attainment of internetworking expertise. Use my name when you register.
You get good study material and I get extra time

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