I have to agree that it is a bit silly, dangerous, and should not be done on
a production enviornment.. but so are a lot of scenarios on the CCIE Lab..
Just to add to the sillyness:

Not sure how this would work, but you can try it..  have you tried as-path
manupulation? From what I can see you want to remove as 1 from the path as
R3 see's it. This config may work for what you are looking to do. You can
try applying this to the config aggregating the network. I
think AS2 would have to originate the net.

router bgp 3
neighbor x.x.x.x route-map as-path in 

route-map as-path permit 10 
match as-path 1 
route-map as-path permit 20 
match as-path 2

 ip as-path access-list 1 permit _2_ & ! _2_ _1$
 ip as-path access-list 2 permit .*


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