annlee wrote:
> Since the original question related to virus and certain ports,
> etc., here's
> a good reference to keep an eye on:

Great! There you have it. NetBIOS port 137 at the top of the list. Since
broadcasts aren't carried across a router, the attackers don't send as
broadcasts, as a real Windows station would. But who says the attackers have
to behave like real stations? :-0

I'm sure most personal firewall default to blocking the NetBIOS ports. I
think it's a good idea to block on global firewalls too.

I wish I hadn't published my Windows troubleshooting information exclusively
with a company that essentially swallowed it and made it disappear. Here's
an excerpt from it, FYI. It was mostly written by my co-author, Joe Bardwell.

The terminology of NetBIOS communication can be confusing. This is because
the NetBIOS acronym has been used to describe more than one thing. NetBIOS
refers to the programming interface in all implementations. In the
NetBIOS/TCP environment, the term NetBIOS also refers to the portion of the
packet that carries NetBIOS commands, replies, and data. In the
NetBIOS/NetBEUI environment, the term NetBIOS refers only to the API, and
the term NetBEUI refers to the protocol. In the NetBIOS/IPX environment, the
term NetBIOS refers to both the API and to the protocol. To understand the
details of terminology use, it’s worthwhile to examine the three different
frame structures for TCP, NetBEUI, and IPX.

A Windows Internet Name Service Query Carried on UDP

The NetBIOS/TCP implementation includes NetBIOS commands, replies, and data
carried on both TCP and UDP. When a station wants to determine the IP
address associated with a particular NetBIOS name, it sends a Windows
Internet Name Service (WINS) query which is carried on top of UDP. In this
case, there is no specific NetBIOS header in the packet, as seen in the
following analyzer output. The packet simply carries a NetBIOS Name Service
command directly above UDP.

     Ethernet Header
       Destination:  FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF  Ethernet Broadcast
       Source:       00:60:08:15:A6:9B
       Protocol Type:0x0800  IP
     IP Header - Internet Protocol Datagram
       Version:              4
       Header Length:        5  (20  bytes)
       Type of Service:      %00000000
       Precedence: Routine,Normal Delay,Normal Throughput,Normal
       Total Length:         78
       Identifier:           43062
       Fragmentation Flags:  %000  May Fragment   Last Fragment
       Fragment Offset:      0  (0  bytes)
       Time To Live:         128
       Protocol:             17  UDP
       Header Checksum:      0x1781
       Source IP Address:
       Dest. IP Address:
       No IP Options
     UDP - User Datagram Protocol
       Source Port:          137  NETBIOS Name Service
       Destination Port:     137
       Length:               58
       Checksum:             0x8FD2
     NetBIOS Name Service - Network Basic Input/Output System
       Identification:       0x883A
       Parameter:            0x0110
                 Standard Query
                 Recursion Desired
                 Packet Was Broadcast
       Number of Questions:  1
       Number of Answers:    0
       Number of Authority:  0
       Number of Additional: 0
       Query Domain Name:    MIKE-PC   Server Service
       Query Type:           32  NetBIOS General Name Service
       Query Class:          1  Internet
     Frame Check Sequence:  0x59DF750B

A TCP NetBIOS Session Setup Request

After determining the IP address of a target node, a NetBIOS/TCP station
resolves the IP address to a data-link-layer address by sending an Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) frame. (The station uses the data-link-layer
address of the Default Gateway for remote targets). Next, the station
establishes a TCP session with the target in the normal manner with a TCP
three-way handshake. Using the established TCP session, the originator must
now create a NetBIOS session. The following packet is an example of a
NetBIOS Session Setup request.

     Flags:        0x00
       Status:       0x01
       Packet Length:130
     Ethernet Header
       Destination:  00:40:95:96:30:07
       Source:       00:60:08:15:A6:9B
       Protocol Type:0x0800  IP
     IP Header - Internet Protocol Datagram
       Version:              4
       Header Length:        5  (20  bytes)
       Type of Service:      %00000000
       Precedence: Routine,   Normal Delay,   Normal Throughput,   Normal
       Total Length:         112
       Identifier:           43830
       Fragmentation Flags:  %010  Do Not Fragment   Last Fragment
       Fragment Offset:      0  (0  bytes)
       Time To Live:         128
       Protocol:             6  TCP
       Header Checksum:      0xD53B
       Source IP Address:
       Dest. IP Address:
       No IP Options
     TCP - Transport Control Protocol
       Source Port:      2882  ndtp
       Destination Port: 139  netbios-ssn
       Sequence Number:  324647931
       Ack Number:       350227873
       Offset:           5
       Reserved:         %000000
       Code:             %011000
                 Ack is valid
                 Push Request
       Window:           8760
       Checksum:         0xBBCD
       Urgent Pointer:   0
       No TCP Options
     NetBIOS Session Service - Network Basic Input/Output System
       Packet Type:          0x81  Session Request
       Flags:                0x00  Length Extension Off
       Length:               68
       Called Name:          MIKE-PC   Server Service
       Calling Name:         MOUNIR   Workstation
     Frame Check Sequence:  0x0AA945E1

If the WINS query and the NetBIOS Session Setup packets are compared, it can
be seen that the behavior desired by the NetBIOS programming interface in
the sending machine is manifested as information in the WINS or NetBIOS
Session Service header. In these cases, the NetBIOS portion of the stack
actually has a job to perform outside the specific needs of the host
application program. The application program may simply want to download a
file, but the underlying mechanism of the NetBIOS interface has needs of its
own, and protocol operations to fulfill those needs. After NetBIOS has done
its setup work, then the NetBIOS aspect of the packets cease to manifest any
behavior. NetBIOS simply forms a thin layer inside the packet, as
illustrated by the protocol analyzer output in the next section.


Notice in the next packet that the NetBIOS header does not contain any verb.
It isn’t a command or a reply; it simply conveys a length and some simple
control information. The management of the data exchange is handled by TCP.
TCP sequences the bytes, sends acknowledgments, recovers corrupted or lost
frames with retransmissions, and manages memory with flow control. All of
the behavior is relegated to TCP and is not handled by NetBIOS.

     Flags:        0x00
       Status:       0x01
       Packet Length:180
     Ethernet Header
       Destination:  00:40:95:96:30:07
       Source:       00:60:08:15:A6:9B
       Protocol Type:0x0800  IP
     IP Header - Internet Protocol Datagram
       Version:              4
       Header Length:        5  (20  bytes)
       Type of Service:      %00000000
       Precedence: Routine,   Normal Delay,   Normal Throughput,   Normal
       Total Length:         162
       Identifier:           44598
       Fragmentation Flags:  %010  Do Not Fragment   Last Fragment
       Fragment Offset:      0  (0  bytes)
       Time To Live:         128
       Protocol:             6  TCP
       Header Checksum:      0xD209
       Source IP Address:
       Dest. IP Address:
       No IP Options
     TCP - Transport Control Protocol
       Source Port:      2882  ndtp
       Destination Port: 139  netbios-ssn
       Sequence Number:  324648359
       Ack Number:       350228140
       Offset:           5
       Reserved:         %000000
       Code:             %011000
                 Ack is valid
                 Push Request
       Window:           8493
       Checksum:         0xFEFB
       Urgent Pointer:   0
       No TCP Options
     NetBIOS Session Service - Network Basic Input/Output System
       Packet Type:          0x00  Session Message
       Flags:                0x00  Length Extension Off
       Length:               118
     SMB - Server Message Block
       Protocol ID:          SMB
       Command Code:         37  Transaction - Name, Bytes In/Out
       Error Code Class:     0x00  Success
       Reserved:             0x00
       Error Code:           0  Success
       Flags:                0x18
                 Pathnames Are Without Case
                 Pathnames Are Already In Canonicalized Format
       Flags2:               0x8003
                 Application Understands Long File Names
                 Application Understands Extended Attributes
                 Application Understands Unicode Strings
       ............     8D 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       Tree ID (TID):        0x0800
       Process ID (PID):     0xDCA0
       User ID (UID):        0x0800
       Multiplex ID (MID):   0x0040
     SMB Transaction - Name, Bytes In/OutRequest
       Word Count:           14
       Total Param Bytes:    26
       Total Data Bytes:     0
       Param Bytes To Recv:  8
       Data Bytes To Recv:   4200
       Setup Bytes To Recv:  0
       Reserved:             0x00
       Flags:                0x0000
       Timeout (millisec.):  5000
       Reserved:             0x0000
       Params This Buffer:   26
       Params Bytes Offset:  92
       Data This Buffer:     0
       Data Bytes Offset:    0
       Setup Word Count:     0
       Reserved:             0x00
       Byte Count:           55
       File Pathname:
       Parameter And Data Bytes:
       ..h.WrLehDO.B16B  00 00 68 00 57 72 4C 65 68 44 4F 00 42 31 36 42
       BDz...h.....z     42 44 7A 00 01 00 68 10 FF FF FF FF 7A

According to NetBIOS, the preceding packet contains 118 bytes of NetBIOS
data, as seen by the value of the Length field in the NetBIOS header. IP is
carrying a total length of 162 bytes, which can be broken down as follows:

  20 bytes for the IP header
  20 bytes for the TCP header
   4 bytes for the NetBIOS header

118 bytes of NetBIOS data
162 Total Bytes carried by IP

When the 14-byte Ethernet header is added in, along with the 4-byte
checksum, the value reported by the EtherPeek protocol analyzer (Packet
Length: 180) is obtained. The 118 bytes of NetBIOS data are actually the
bytes making up the Server Message Block (SMB) session data.

NetBEUI Data Exchange (a Browse Packet)

The next packet is a NetBEUI packet that contains 44 bytes of NetBIOS data.
In this case, the data is also SMB data, as it was with the TCP example, but
it happens to be a Browse frame. Nonetheless, the commonality with
NetBIOS/TCP remains; both implementations are carrying some amount of
NetBIOS data. It’s important to note that the NetBEUI portion of the packet
is carried directly on top of the Layer-2 LLC header. There is no Layer 3
identifier (such as an IP address) in a NetBEUI packet. This is why NetBEUI
is non-routable. Notice, also, that the NetBEUI/NetBIOS header is not simply
a thin, behaviorless layer as was seen with NetBIOS/TCP. There is a command
code in the header. There’s also a sequence and acknowledgment mechanism
(the Xmit/Resp Correlator number) in the header. The NetBEUI implementation
doesn’t use any lower-layer protocols to perform part of the work. The
NetBEUI protocol stack handles all of the communication work relative to

     Flags:        0x80  802.3
       Status:       0x01
       Packet Length:184
     802.3 Header
       Destination:  03:00:00:00:00:01
       Source:       00:40:95:11:56:DE
       LLC Length:   166
     802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) Header
       Dest. SAP:    0xF0  NetBEUI/NetBIOS
       Source SAP:   0xF0  NetBEUI/NetBIOS
       Command:      0x03  Unnumbered Information
     NetBEUI/NetBIOS - Network Basic Input/Output System
       Length:               44
       NetBIOS Delimiter:    0xEFFF
       Command:              0x08  Datagram(Wait)
       Option Data 1:        0x00  Reserved
       Option Data 2:        0x0000  Reserved
       Xmit/Resp Correlator: 0x00000000
       Destination Name:     AG-TRAIN       
       Source Name:          SOCRATES       
     SMB - Server Message Block
       Protocol ID:          SMB
       Command Code:         37  Transaction - Name, Bytes In/Out
       Error Code Class:     0x00  Success
       Reserved:             0x00
       Error Code:           0  Success
       Flags:                0x00
                 Pathnames Are Case Sensitive
       Flags2:               0x0000
       ............     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       Tree ID (TID):        0x0000
       Process ID (PID):     0x0000
       User ID (UID):        0x0000
       Multiplex ID (MID):   0x0000
     SMB Transaction - Name, Bytes In/OutRequest
       Word Count:           17
       Total Param Bytes:    0
       Total Data Bytes:     33
       Param Bytes To Recv:  0
       Data Bytes To Recv:   0
       Setup Bytes To Recv:  0
       Reserved:             0x00
       Flags:                0x0000
       Timeout (millisec.):  1000
       Reserved:             0x0000
       Params This Buffer:   0
       Params Bytes Offset:  0
       Data This Buffer:     33
       Data Bytes Offset:    86
       Setup Word Count:     3
       Reserved:             0x00
       Additional Setup Bytes:
       ......           01 00 00 00 02 00
       Byte Count:           50
       Transaction Name:     \MAILSLOT\BROWSE
       Parameter And Data Bytes:
       ......SOCRATES.. 0F 00 80 FC 0A 00 53 4F 43 52 41 54 45 53 00 00

       ........K.....U. 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 4B 10 04 00 0F 01 55 AA
       ..               00 04

IPX Name Query

In the NetBEUI and IPX implementations, there is nothing corresponding to
the centralized name server concept embodied in WINS. All name queries must
be broadcast. Following is an example of a NetWare NetBIOS packet. The
NetBIOS header is carried directly on top of IPX and includes a number of
reserved (padding) bytes. This packet structure is different from the
NetBEUI and TCP implementations of NetBIOS.

An optional (and not present in this packet) field at the beginning of the
NetBIOS header can list up to seven different networks that have been
crossed by a broadcast NetBIOS packet. An IPX router knows how to update
this field and to limit the scope of the Novell NetBIOS broadcast range.

     Flags:        0x80  802.3
       Status:       0x01
       Packet Length:98
     802.3 Header
       Destination:  FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF  Ethernet Broadcast
       Source:       00:40:95:11:56:DE
       Length:       80
     IPX - NetWare Protocol
       Checksum:             0xFFFF
       Length:               80
       Transport Control:
         Reserved:           %0000
         Hop Count:          %0000
       Packet Type:          20  NetBIOS
       Destination Network:  0x00000000
       Destination Node:     FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF  Ethernet Broadcast
       Destination Socket:   0x0455  NetBIOS
       Source Network:       0x00050000
       Source Node:          00:40:95:11:56:DE
       Source Socket:        0x0455
     NetWare NetBIOS
       ................ 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       Name Type Flag:       0x00
       Datastream Type:      1  Name Query
       Name String:          AG-TRAIN       


Like NetBEUI, Novell NetBIOS is responsible for carrying out all of the
NetBIOS work. For this reason, there’s a Connection ID and Sequence Number
in the NetBIOS header. Novell chose to carry its NetBIOS on top of the IPX
network layer.
       Flags:        0x80  802.3
       Status:       0x01
       Packet Length:66
     802.3 Header
       Destination:  00:60:08:15:A6:9B
       Source:       00:40:95:96:30:07
       Length:       48
     IPX - NetWare Protocol
       Checksum:             0xFFFF
       Length:               48
       Transport Control:
         Reserved:           %0000
         Hop Count:          %0000
       Packet Type:          4  SAP
       Destination Network:  0x00000000
       Destination Node:     00:60:08:15:A6:9B
       Destination Socket:   0x0455  NetBIOS
       Source Network:       0x00050000
       Source Node:          00:40:95:96:30:07
       Source Socket:        0x0455
     NetWare NetBIOS
       Control Flag:         0xC0
                 Send ACK
                 System Packet
       Datastream Type:      6  Session Data
       Source Connection ID: 8669
       Dest Connection ID:   8629
       Send Sequence:        4
       Send Total Length:    0
       Fragment Offset:      0
       Fragment Length:      0
       ACK Sequence:         5
       ACK Fragment Offset:  10
       Remaining NetBIOS Data:
       ..V.             9D B1 56 C8

Concluding Thoughts on NetBIOS Terminology

In the NetBIOS/TCP environment, the term NetBIOS refers to the API and to
the portion of the packet that carries the NetBIOS API commands, replies,
and data. In the NetBIOS/NetBEUI environment, the term NetBIOS refers only
to the API, and the term NetBEUI refers to the protocol and associated
header information. In the NetBIOS/IPX environment, the term NetBIOS refers
to both the API and to the protocol. Of course, when the term NetBIOS is
used relative to TCP, it’s referring to the thin, behaviorless header, but
in the Novell world it refers to a protocol that has many different
behaviors. Perhaps if these three implementations had been given
dramatically different names, there would be less confusion. In fact, in the
1980s, a Novell expert would have referred to NetWare’s implementation as a
NetBIOS Emulator, alluding to the fact that NetBEUI was the actual protocol
that implemented NetBIOS and Novell was emulating the functions in NetBEUI,
but using Novell-proprietary protocols.

On Cisco routers, you need to configure the ipx type-20 propagation command
to cause the router to forward NetBIOS/IPX broadcast packets. The IPX Packet
Type for NetBIOS is 20, as you can see in the IPX Name Query section
earlier. (Chapter 10 showed the IPX Packet Type for NetBIOS in hexadecimal
as 0x14). You should configure the command on the input interface that
receives the broadcast packets. To control which broadcasts are forwarded
based on the NetBIOS name being queried, you can use the ipx netbios
input-access filter command.


Priscilla Oppenheimer

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