> Back in the days when baseball was understood to be the
> ultimate expression
> of American values, this may have been true. Take each
> individual and weigh
> his/her strengths and weaknesses, consider the overall value of
> heir
> contribution, and decide on that basis. These days, when
> football is king,
> what does that say about our values? That we are all
> specialists and we are
> all easily replaced. In fact, in a football model, the ideal is
> to churn and
> burn.

While the game of baseball itself may in the past have neatly symbolized
American individualism, ironically you wouldn't know it from the salaries
paid to baseball players in those supposedly gloried old days.  Before the
days of free agency, players were paid far far less than they would have
been paid in an open and free market.  You'd think that if anybody would
have understood the importance of providing proper compensation for
individual performance in line with the spirit of the game of baseball, it
would have been the baseball team owners themselves.

But I digress...

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