>>>> Dave C. 7/15/03 2:12:09 PM >>>
>I work for a small growing business and am currently evaluating two types
>network analyzer software.  EtherPeek NX and Sniffer Portable (Sniffer
>Since the versions that I have are not the full production versions (only
>for evalutation purposes), I am limited to the functionality I can do with
>I know there is an extensive difference in price (Etherpeek NX is
>around $2000-2500 range, and Sniffer Portable (Pro) is somewhere greater
>than $10,000.  For a small growing company, it is hard to justify over
>$10,000 for a piece of software, when I can get something comparable for
>much less, especially when we are in a time where we have to justify our
>What I would like to know, if anyone has experience with both of these
>applications, and what capabilities that Sniffer Pro offers, that
>NX does not.
>I would also like to know if anyone has experience with Ethereal (for
>Linux).  I know it is free and it has much less functionality than
>NX or Sniffer, but I would like an opinion on that to.

There are still questions to be answered. For example, who is going to be
the end-user of this software? How familiar is this person with the details
of the protocols running on your network? Do you need the additional tools
that come with Etherpeek NX, for instance, or could you get by with simply
Etherpeek and perhaps PacketGrabber?

Do you need packet capture primarily or do you absolutely require the
analysis tools? If you just need packet capture you're probably better off
with Ethereal or something along those lines. We use Etherpeek (not the NX
version) here and I'm quite happy with it. We also got Packetgrabber,
iNetTools, and Netsense because we thought they'd be useful but I've never
had a reason to use them. I'm particularly disappointed in Netsense, but
perhaps that's because I've never bothered to dig into it a little deeper.
On the surface I always felt that it took quite a bit of effort to get
something useful out of it. I do love Etherpeek, though. It's a good


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