>Oops. Accidentally hit post before adding any content.  ;-)
>Yes, it stands for Private Routed Network. It's a very interesting solution.
>Our hub sites would participate in OSPF with their network, while our spoke
>sites would use static routing. The PRN would have static routes pointing to
>our spoke sites and those statics would be redistributed into OSPF.

Cool.  I thought it was a IP VPN based network, but wasn't completely 
sure.  You might consider BGP at the hub site just to isolate your hub.  If 
they wack up their PE box and give you way to many routes, it might become 
painful.  Usually I recommend the provider asked the customer to run BGP or 
RIP vs OSPF for this reason, but it makes sense from the customers 
perspective as well.   This also mitigates some messy backdoor scenarios 
that come up with spokes gain spoke to spoke or non VPN spoke to hub 

>The biggest downside to this is that we'd have to contact Qwest each time we
>added a new subnet at a branch, but I suppose that just means we'd need to
>plan ahead better.

Spoke wise, can you not pre-provision some aggregate blocks to the spokes 
inline with growth expectations?  This would ease your provisioning 
pain.  I'd ask for portal capability for this as well (spoke static route 
adds).  They likely don't have it, but it isn't that hard to do and would 
likely be consistent with stuff they may already be considering.   In other 
words, they won't likely be able to do it, but you might help them make it 
happen sooner than later.

I should note that I'm not directly familiar with their offering.

>This solution buys us a few things over our current frame relay network.
>Each site has a full pipe into the PRN instead of multiple PVCs sharing a
>single link, and we don't have to deal with CIR. From the perspective of our
>routers each site is one hop away from any other site. These combination of
>these features will allow us to proceed with VoIP throughout our network,
>which is not feasible with the current frame relay network.

I take it sharing routing information wasn't a big concern for your 
company?  It seems to be for some, but I never saw the risk myself.



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