Refer to the SMR SAFE whitepaper:

SAFE: Extending the Security Blueprint to Small, Midsize, and
Remote-User Networks

Page 25:

Remote-User Design
        Software Access
        Remote-site firewall option
        Hardware VPN client option
        Remote-site router option

I can't find the four type of security threats either.  The SMR paper
only lists 2, instead of the 3 that the Enterprise paper lists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard C. Berkowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:45 PM
Subject: SAFE and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch [7:74304]

Monty Python is always my inspiration in understanding network 
architecture.  The number for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is not 
two and not four, but three.

And so the SAFE Test Blueprint asks you to:
   "Identify four kinds of types of security threats"
   "Discuss in detail the four different options for providing secure 
remote user connectivity."

Yet when I go through the SAFE documentation, I find:
     7 Axioms of types of targets (p. 5 of PDF)
     3 Types of Expected Threats (p. 10)
     3 separate validation services for remote user access (p. 30)
    12 elements of the taxonomy of network attacks (p. 56), some of
       which are actually host attacks.

No number that is four.

What is wrong with this picture?  Am I perhaps reading the African 
rather the European SAFE model? Did some threat sink because it was 
NOT a witch?

Am I on the wrong quest, or using Brave Sir Robin as my guide?

Is the SAFE model pining for the fjords?  Has it joined the choir 
eternal of ex-models?
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