    From what your saying is that your using your tunnel as the encrypt/decrypt point of access
for the VPN internal connection.....First question; is why are you wanting to run a VPN thru a
leased line on an internal network.....Second; is all traffic on the leased line being encrypted.....
What size of lease line are your working with << 56 / 64 / FR / T1 / ISDN ? >>.....You can use
an IPSec encrypted VPN without running thru a tunnel interface.....All you have to do is
to setup your access-list properly.....Send me your config's offline; along with the Size of the Circuit
and I'll work with you on going around the tunnel-to-tunnel config.....Thanks.....
Hi Guyz,
We are having a cisco router-router IPSEC tunnel between two locations(Intranet VPN) over an internal leased line.The performance is very poor even though the link is only 40% utilised. On examining we found that the tunnel bandwidth is only 9k..Is there anyway I can increase the tunnel bandwidth or can i have an IPSEC connection without using a tunnel so that i can use more bandwidth in the link.. There is a bandwidth command in the interface mode but it is only for calculation of cost and it has no impact on the actual tunnel bandwidth
Can anyone pls help me out with this...Thanx in advance..

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