Hi Elmer !

Just u need to configure the community filtering at RouterA as

RouterA # neighbour  <IP of RTB>  remote-as xxx
RouterA # neighbour  <IP of RTB> send-community
RouterA # neighbour  <IP of RTB> route-map abcd out

route-map abcd 100
 match ip <Access-list number>
 set community no-export

These set of commands will tell the RTB not to export the routes learned frm ur
AS to its other external peers. I hope this will cmet ur configuration. Pls
update me if u find better alternate solution.


"Deloso, Elmer G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/05/2000 06:45:08 PM

Please respond to "Deloso, Elmer  G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Abdul Mateen/Satyam)

Subject:  BGP4 implementation

Hi, group.
I need some help on filtering BGP4. The scenario is this: my routerA is set
with a T1 to routerB via static classB address. However, RouterB is also
connected to other clouds running BGP4. I do want users in RouterB cloud to
get to my network, but I don't want the other clouds that connect to RouterB
to get into my network. The simple questions are: is it just a matter of
using ACL to allow only RouterB? Is it telling the NetAdmin of RouterB to
modify his route-redistribution config so no routes outside of RouterB's
gets sent to my RouterA? Are there any other issues or configurations I'm
better off implementing? Thanks as always to all kind responses.


Title: BGP4 implementation

Hi, group.
I need some help on filtering BGP4. The scenario is this: my routerA is set up
with a T1 to routerB via static classB address. However, RouterB is also connected to other clouds running BGP4. I do want users in RouterB cloud to get to my network, but I don't want the other clouds that connect to RouterB to get into my network. The simple questions are: is it just a matter of RouterA

using ACL to allow only RouterB? Is it telling the NetAdmin of RouterB to modify his route-redistribution config so no routes outside of RouterB's cloud

gets sent to my RouterA? Are there any other issues or configurations I'm better off implementing? Thanks as always to all kind responses.


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