Hi group,
I have some questions .. or you can say many :)
Q1) In order to be a good Network designer what Skills should you need ..plus the "CCDA or CCIE Design" ? what are the responsibility he have?
Q2) What are the type of job or you can say job names for a "CCDA or CCDP" other than Network designer ..!!
Q3) For the CCIE Design tarck or exam, is true that you do not need to know  "CLI" commands (ex: BCSN, MCNS .. have many IOS commands ..etc"
If Yes .. is it true that a person how Pass CCNA, CCDA take the CID than jump to the CCIE Design tarck and pass it (write and Lab) can he have the CCDP "waved" or both the CCNP and the CCDP ? .. for the CCIE R/S I have red he can wave the CCNP and take the CID in order to have CCDP !!.
Q4) Anyone who have a good drawing skills "have some good CAD skills ex:Autocad ver 9 to 2000 !! .." can this help him in his work or no need for it .. (as a Network Designer).
Q5) I am working on the CCDA right now, but I did not know why is the Deign track "CCDA, CID exam" is hard from the other support "CCNA, CCNP" .. !!  is it the Case study stuff !!
As I can see no commands is need in the CCDA (DCN Cisco book) is it the same with the CCDP and CCIE Design track .. But in the Lab exams there are some names for routers .. any one take the CCIE Desing Lab.
Q6) About the CCIE world wide any categories for there numbers "ex: How many CCIE WAN, CCIE Design ..etc" I say about 35% to 40% are CCIE R/S .. only a guess ..
* For the Cisco Design Certifications .. are these books are enough (Cisco Press) ..
1) Top-Down Network Design  "Mrs. Priscilla Oppenheimer"
2) Cisco Internetwork Design 
3) Cisco CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design & Case Studies, Second Edition 
4) Advanced IP Network Design
5) Large-Scale IP Network Solutions (CCIE Professional Development)
Thanks for the help,
Mohammed Hakim CCNA R/S

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