Hello Friends,
Hopefully this question won't be considered too basic for you folks, but I need some serious advice on hardware necessary to achieve my CCNP status by next winter. I have pretty much been given this time frame by my girlfriend as she has become very homesick and wishes to move back there no later than end of 2001. Problem is, I currently live in a very technically rich job market and will be moving to an area that is not. I feel that to at least maintain my current salary once I move, I will need to have my CCNP completed before anyone in my new home market would consider paying me what I currently make.
What is the absolute minimum hardware requirement necessary not only to get past the exams but also to give me hands on experience to get a good salary offer? By the way, I'm not interested in just the money but would love to become more knowledgeable with networking so please don't think that I'm only looking to become a "paper CCNP". As many of you know and the others will one day learn, money does matter !
Thanks in advance for the help !
Greg Cain
MTS Systems Engineer
Verizon Communications

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