
I have seen this done where six ISDN phones were connected to a BRI but only two could 
be used at one time.   


>>> John Nemeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/09 5:34 AM >>>
On Feb 5,  4:46am, Brian wrote:
} Does anyone know of an NT1 model that will allow the connection of 2 S/T
} interfaces (2 different routers) so that each can use a single chennel of
} the single ISDN line connected to it (like a splitter).

     The S/T bus is a parallel bus.  You can connect up to eight
devices to it (they are distinguished by their TEI -- Terminal Endpoint
Idenifier).  You don't need a special NT1, just a splitter which you
plug into any NT1.  I have seen eight-way splitters built just for this
purpose, but I don't know where to get them.

}-- End of excerpt from Brian

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