As regards the symbols:
^    -    Beginning Of String, $    -    End Of String, _    -    Any Delimeter (beginning, end, whitespace, tab, comma), .    -    Any Single Character, +    -    matches one or more atoms, ?    -    matches zero or one atom,    *    -    matches zero or more atoms, ()    -    Can be used to group smaller regular expressions into larger expressions
Note atom => Sequence
With reference to your access-lists:
ip as-path access-list 1 permit  ^$
Here you are permitting IP addresses generated in your AS

ip as-path access-list 4 permit  ^(_6774) +$
Permit AS 6774.  It does not have to be at the start, but it cannot be at the end.

ip as-path access-list 10 permit  .*5413$
This permits AS5413 provided IP's are generated in this AS, due to the $ sign just after the AS number, but which are also passing through another AS, due to the .

ip as-path access-list 6 permit  ^ (_3414) + (_2423) +$
Permit traffic going through AS3414 and AS2423.  The traffic is not generated in these AS's
Hope that this helps.  As regards links, these are quite good:
----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: groupstudy.cisco
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 7:13 PM
Subject: BGP as-path access-lists


I have been recently placed in the awkward position of making some changes to our BGP configuration.  The problem is that I understand how bgp works for the main part, but I don't have any information on the meaning of the symbols used in the following as-path access-lists (^, $, _, ., +, (), *).  Could someone tell me what each of them mean?  Could someone also point me to a Cisco page that explains them in detail?  I have been searching and cannot find anything except examples that include these symbols.  Unfortuneately these examples have not helped my understanding.  I have a good idea as to what they probably mean, but I need to know their exact meaning.  It is difficult to manage something you don't have a clear understanding of!

ip as-path access-list 1 permit  ^$
ip as-path access-list 4 permit  ^(_6774) +$
ip as-path access-list 10 permit  .*5413$
ip as-path access-list 6 permit  ^ (_3414) + (_2423) +$


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