
Just had this conversation with a customer the other day. They are buying a
new switch, but want to keep the old one on line to be the backup / failover
for their single NIC servers. How do they do this?

1) Windoze servers, anyway, require different IP subnets on each NIC in the
server. So now you are into VLAN's and routing on your core, whether you
like it or not. Don't know from experience ( or lack ) if this is true in
*nix boxes. Help?

2) One thought - assume the switch itself doesn't go down, but the blade
does. Plug the different NICs into different blades

3) OR - have dual switches, and plug one NIC into each switch

4) Nice thing about IPX - Novell servers can have multiple NIC with the SAME
network address. Makes life simple.

Funny how the issue of redundancy becomes so complex so quickly


-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dave
Ng  (Dragon)
Sent:   Monday, December 18, 2000 9:34 AM
Subject:        OT-Redundant switches at the servers

I've looked through the BCMSN book and also online and I've found info on
redundant switches and routers at different layers in a network (Access,
Distribution, and Core) but it seems that in every case (at least the ones
I've seen) the redundancy does not flow down to the actual physical
connection to an end node (specifically a server).

Here's the problem I need to solve:
I have a 3 servers in which I will put redundant NICs but do both NICs
connect to the same switch?  Then is that switch a single point of failure?
Is there a way to connect each NIC to a different redundant switch and when
a switch fails the other takes over?  Can some one point me in the right
direction?  Perhaps a Cisco whitepaper or a book that deals with this.



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