Dear All :

I went connect to our company cisco 2610 through the lease line to x.25
system in B company. But, B the company  hotline operator  said : no any
config in our 2610 router. Just create the PVC circuit only and ignore
the pvc circuit number.

1 ) How to config the serial interface connect to X.25 system.
    This information provide from this  B company.
     interface Serial0/0
     no ip address
     encapsulation x25
     x25 win 7
     x25 wout 7
     x25 ips 1024
     x25 ops 1024
     lapb T1 3
     lapb N2 10

2 ) I know the x.121 address need to apply in our router.
    But, the B company said again not need this address.

3 ) how to config the PVC circuit to B company ?
    any sample config ?

Thank you !

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