
While the list of Q's that Elijah posted may have been helpful, it does 
tread close to (if not directly) violating Cisco's NDA.  Cisco has clearly 
posted on their web site a list of areas in which you need to be proficient 
to pass the CCIE written exam.  This is all we need.  Posting test 
questions based on the exam you just took can give Cisco cause to revoke 
your certification and prevent you from attaining new certifications.  That 
is a risk no one serious about their Cisco career would consciously take.

I think this is a wake-up call for us to remain focused on our goals - 
sharing knowledge for the purpose of assisting others and enriching our own 
professional career.  But we need to be cautious of the information we 
share.  It is a matter of professionalism and common courtesy.

As a Technical Instructor, I have found merely GIVING someone the answer is 
not the best manner for teaching them. Real appreciation of knowledge comes 
when there is a significant amount of effort in gaining that 
knowledge.  Also, a greater amount of self-respect, personal achievement 
and professional confidence is gained when we do it ourselves - when we 
solve the problem on our own.  This is not to say we ALWAYS need to work 
hard to find the answer, but don't you feel great when YOU solved it?! And 
those problems that cause us the most headache (passing the LAB) give us 
the most reward/satisfaction when WE solve them.  Sure, we all need 
assistance now and then, but do we need to be spoon-fed all the 
answers?  How can we ever learn to troubleshoot or learn on our own?  When 
my students are working on a problem and need assistance, I never answer 
their questions directly.  Rather, I ask questions that they should be 
asking as they search for the answer or solve the problem.  I only guide 
them - THEY find the answer.  I have found with this method they learn how 
to think for themselves and learn how find the answers.  With this process 
they learn how to find the answers.  There is much more than knowing how to 
answer a question.  We should not seek to know, but to understand.  (OK, 
enough of the ZEN....)

Let's face it, no one knows all the answers - but the best 
Engineers/Consultants know how to find all the answers.  This study list is 
one resource, but the greatest resource is within - your own desire and 


At 05:47 AM 1/13/01 +0000, Elijah Landreth wrote:
>Hey All-
>I neither meant to piss anyone off, nor to break a NDA. We all know that the
>CCIE is the top dog of tests. All of us have studied hard to get here, and
>everyone in this room is looking for a little help in studying for this.
>When I got home from the test today, I tried to remember all of the areas
>that were of question to me. None of the questions I posted were verbatim...
>they couldn't be, since we all know there is NO way to bring a copy of the
>test out with you! But knowing that most, if not all, of the people who
>frequent this room are studying to achieve the same result, I was looking
>for some peer help.
>I am a little unsure what happened to cause as harsh a response as I have
>received from what I posted. If I have tread in an area that I am unaware
>of, I will remove myself from further discussion. I am not in the habit of
>posting here, but rather simply of reading all of your helpful information.
>I would be grateful if someone could CALMLY explain where I went wrong in my
>wording. Many times in the past I have seen others post lists of questions
>that they too have had regarding this test, as well as other tests in other
>study groups. This appeared to be the proper place to post my questions and
>receive help in understanding things I may have needed help with
>As for "reporting" me to Cisco, or a moderator, or whomever- I feel that I
>need to understand my violation before I am sentenced. I will contact
>someone myself if necessary, and have my post removed from future viewing,
>if that is appropriate. However, I am still unclear as to WHY my post caused
>the distress it appears to have been responsible for.
>My sincere apologies...
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