I have "ZERO" experience in this arena...  here goes.  I believe I'm
seeing the result of compatibility issues between Nortel equipment
(Centillion LANE switches) & Cisco gear (7513).  This setup has existed
for some time with version 11.1 IOS on the 7500.  I'd been told stories from
veterans of the IT department, stating the 11.1 could never be changed due
to communication issues between the Nortel & Cisco boxes.  We'll- the day
had come to retire the AIP's (switching to VIP's & PA's) & move from an RSP2
to an RSP4 (both not recognizable to 11.1 IOS).  Of course- I now have
unstable LANE services (with NO indications of trouble on the 7500).
Process CPU, Memory, Show LANE...  everything is perfect on the Cisco side,
but the Centillions are dropping throughout the building (proir to this, the
RSP2 was saturated- so that issue has changed for the good)  The obvious
conclusion is for me to trouble shoot the Nortel equipment.  My "BIGGEST" of
questions here is... where would one start when looking for incompatibility
issues ???

Generally- what are the "tell-tail- signs ???"

Are the clues usually that nothing appears to be wrong, but everything "IS"
 wrong ???

 Thanks All !!!

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