
Here is my comment.  I am getting ready to very shortly take my switching
as I nearly feel prepared. (maybe 1-2 weeks more). I have quite a few pages 
and notes I have comprised for the 504 test that someone else might could
that might prove helpful to them.  I have a tendancy to organize things 
differently than the average Joe.  I have charts I have made and material 
compiled on different subjects geared toward my reading ease and how I best 
comprehend subject material. Things embed themselves better in my own mind
I write them down, so this is something I do alot. As soon as I pass my test 
using my own notes, I will be glad to send it to someone else to use if
is interested.  It is not HOT or anything like that.  It is just my stuff
I made.  Nothing purchased and nothing is copywrited.

I am not on the mailing list anymore and I got tired of being slammed and 
having porn mailed to me.  But...I am still working on certs.  I think
will be next.

Jennifer Cribbs

Have a Good Day!!
Jennifer Cribbs

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