>--- McClendon Susan Contr AEDC/ACS
>  wrote:
> > Want to make any UNIX-head apoplex?  Remind them
> > that DOS is UNIX subset.

OK, I'll take the bait. The development of DOS had nothing to do with UNIX.

DOS was originally the Quick and Dirty OS (QDOS) and was developed by 
Seattle Computer Products to run on microcomputers. A tiny company called 
Microsoft bought QDOS in 1981 so they could meet their commitment to IBM to 
develop an operating system for the IBM PC. By this time, UNIX was a 
full-fledged operating system, developed in the 1960s at Bell Labs to run 
on minicomputers.

DOS was not based on UNIX and didn't resemble UNIX at all. It resembled 
CP/M if anything. It didn't even have a hierarchical file system. It wasn't 
multitasking and still isn't, unless you count TSRs. It didn't support 
networking. Memory management was a joke.

Comparing DOS to UNIX is really low. ;-)


> > The multi-tasking & multi-threaded functions were
> > dropped because there
> > weren't enough bits in the registers for the Intel
> > 8088. These were added
> > back in when the hardware for PC's was available.
> > However, they did add
> > better mnemonics for the UNIX commands so 'ls'
> > became 'dir'. 'Easy'
> > translates to 'stupid' somehow. But even so it's
> > UNIX!  DOS is UNIX!
> > tee-hee.
> >
> > DOS clowns.
> > UNIX dweebs.
> > NT geeks.
> > Cisco nerds.
> > Where's Diane Arbus when we need her?
> >
> > - susan
> >
> >


Priscilla Oppenheimer

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