B and New B.


At 06:39 PM 5/31/01, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
> >Want to make any UNIX-head apoplex?  Remind them that DOS is UNIX subset.
> >The multi-tasking & multi-threaded functions were dropped because there
> >weren't enough bits in the registers for the Intel 8088. These were added
> >back in when the hardware for PC's was available. However, they did add
> >better mnemonics for the UNIX commands so 'ls' became 'dir'. 'Easy'
> >translates to 'stupid' somehow. But even so it's UNIX!  DOS is UNIX!
> >tee-hee.
> >
> >DOS clowns.
> >UNIX dweebs.
> >NT geeks.
> >Cisco nerds.
> >Where's Diane Arbus when we need her?
> >
> >- susan
>Get back to the origins of the name UNIX.  Pronounced aloud, is there
>an English word that comes to mind?
>The ancestor of UNIX is MULTICS.  UNIX is castrated MULTICS.
>Extra credit for the two predecessors of C. (No, the first one isn't A).

Priscilla Oppenheimer

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