
It is funny you ask that question. I sat in on a sales presentation this
past Monday for Netcool/CEMF. I  can give you a little overview of what I
picked up from the presentation. 

Netcool is more of an umbrella management interface. The product allows
communcation through your standard management protocols and even proprietary
protocols. A scenarion for instance would be, you have an instance of HPOV
or CW2000. You then integrate Netcool which you can centrally manage the two
platforms through SNMP. 

MicroMuse (makers of Netcool) are pretty wide and deep in the industry they
have customers such as AT&T, SBC, Coke, Key Bank, etc.. your general fortune
500 and 1000 companys. What's neat is that this product will talk to any
other OSS/BSS/EM systems as well as doing some very slick things. I would
suggest talking to a sales rep if you really want to understand how the

-----Original Message-----
From: CCB
Sent: 6/20/01 4:36 AM
Subject: Netcool [7:9152]

Can anyone recommend some good links to documentation on and give some
opinions on Netcool.

Thank You

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