Consider deploying WINS server if you want full visibility of your network.
Browsing generally requires broadcast capability, in the absence of a WINS
server. By default, routers do not pass broadcasts. However, I believe that
Network Neighbourhood browsing uses directed broadcast, so perhaps, enabling
directed broadcast on your router might work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Spencer
Sent: 03/07/01 09:50
Subject: Browser Issue with Network Neighbourhood [7:10780]

Hello i am unable to browse the network through a router, eg. i can ping
server and the server is our dhcp which we get our Ip address from.

When we go to the Network Neighbourhood icon it is unable to see the
or any other servers for that matter

We are using IP and tried with Ipx and netbeui for the hell of it even
though its not a routed protocol.

can anyone help ???????
any advice is better then no advice even if its just a one line comment

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