This is exactly the same problem I was seeing before I switched the jumper
on the CSC card for DTe.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: AGS+ as a frame-relay switch [7:13133]

I'm getting this from "debug frame-relay lmi":

Serial0(in): Unexpected StEnq, clock 1535608
Serial0(out): StEnq, clock 1542300, myseq 13, yourseen 0, DTE down
 datagramstart = 0x558B18, datagramsize = 14

 FR encap = 0x00010308
00 75 95 01 01 00 03 02 0D 00

Serial0(in): Unexpected StEnq, clock 1545608
Serial0(out): StEnq, clock 1552300, myseq 14, yourseen 0, DTE down
 datagramstart = 0x558B18, datagramsize = 14

 FR encap = 0x00010308
00 75 95 01 01 00 03 02 0E 00

Serial0(in): Unexpected StEnq, clock 1555608
Serial0(out): StEnq, clock 1562300, myseq 15, yourseen 0, DTE down
 datagramstart = 0x558B18, datagramsize = 14

 FR encap = 0x00010308
00 75 95 01 01 00 03 02 0F 00

Serial0(in): Unexpected StEnq, clock 1565608
Serial0(out): StEnq, clock 1572300, myseq 16, yourseen 0, DTE down
 datagramstart = 0x558B18, datagramsize = 14

 FR encap = 0x00010308
00 75 95 01 01 00 03 02 10 00

Serial0(in): Unexpected StEnq, clock 1575608
Serial0(out): StEnq, clock 1582300, myseq 17, yourseen 0, DTE down
 datagramstart = 0x558B18, datagramsize = 14

It's almost like it's confused that it's receiving clock source from the
other end of the connection, and is trying to provide clocking on it's own.

In looking at the "show controllers mci" command, it shows that the ports
are setup for DTE, so now I'm really confused. Swapping cables didn't work,
line protocol comes up, then goes down.

I'll keep digging......

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hire, Ejay" 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: RE: AGS+ as a frame-relay switch [7:13133]

> It doesn't matter which end of the cable is dce, as long as you are using
> dte-dce cable and the dce end is configured with a clock rate.
> I have an AGS configured as a frame-relay switch with a csc/4t serial card
> and HDv.35 dce to Cisco HD60 Dte cables.  I also had difficulty getting
> confuration to work until I RTFM and discovered that I had to change a
> jumper on the CSC/4t serial card to place the ags ports in DCE mode.
> Here is a my config
> version 10.2
> service config
> !
> enable secret 5 $1$1uBB$Tg1x6HtEuWjLJCsVgGEp11
> enable password passwor
> !
> frame-relay switching
> !
> interface Ethernet0
> no ip address
> shutdown
> ...
> interface Ethernet11
> no ip address
> shutdown
> !
> interface Serial0
> ip address
> encapsulation frame-relay
> clockrate 64000
> frame-relay intf-type dce
> frame-relay route 16 interface Serial1 17
> !
> interface Serial1
> ip address
> encapsulation frame-relay
> clockrate 64000
> frame-relay intf-type dce
> frame-relay route 17 interface Serial0 16
> !
> ...
> !
> line con 0
> exec-timeout 0 0
> line aux 0
> line vty 0 4
> password password
> login
> !
> end
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 4:04 PM
> Subject: AGS+ as a frame-relay switch [7:13133]
> Apologies if this has already been covered once before.....
> Quick question regarding setting up an AGS+ as a frame switch.
> Do the cables connecting to the AGS+ have to be DCE in order to get the
> frame-relay switching to work, or can it still work if the cables are DTE?
> currently have DTE cables into the AGS+ and am not getting line protocol
> come up, even though the other ends are DCE and I have "clock rate 64000"
> configured on the other ends.
> I also have encap frame-realy ietf on both sides, frame-relay lmi-type
> as well.
> I'll search the archives while I await an answer.
> Thanks!
> -Chuck
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