Oops... sorry about the mispelling. I meant tftpdnld not ftfpdnld
"mondo" wrote in message ...
>I had a similar issue on a 3640 also. I tried to do a remote IOS upgrade
>there were issues. The easiest way out of your situation is if you have a
>pcmcia card with the flash you want. This I think would be the easiest and
>quickest way to recover your IOS. If you don't have this card, I do not
>believe you can do a ftfpdnld on a 3600 but don't quote me on this.
>Otherwise, you need to troubleshoot what is wrong with your xmodem configs.
>It may be as simple as having the wrong type cable between your computer
>router.  I would also run the "dev" command to see what you got in your
>router. If time is an issue, you could swap your flash with another router
>to get your customer up and work on the suspect flash in your shop. I hope
>this helps and wish you luck. Let me know what happens...
>"Uttam Majumdar" wrote in message ...
>>Do this -
>>rommon 1> tftpdnld
>>rommon 2> set
>>rommon 3> IP_ADDRESS=A.B.C.D (IP address of the enet of router)
>>rommon 4> IP_SUBNET_MASK= (Or mask of the network)
>>rommon 5> DEFAULT_GATEWAY=
>>rommon 6> TFTP_SERVER=
>>rommon 7> TFTP_FILE=c3660-js-mz.120-7.XK2.bin..bin
>>rommon 8> tftpdnld
>>It shld be thru. Syntax is key
>>ss ss wrote:
>>> Hi all!!
>>> In our 3660 cisco router IOS has got corrupted(FLASH IOS) & Iam not able
>>> boot thro. ROM also (ROM BOOT not working).The only mode which is
>>> ROMMON mode.When I try to load the IOS thro XMODEM I gt the following
>>> error(In ROMMON mode)
>>> rommon 1 > xmodem c3660-js-mz.120-7.XK2.bin..bin
>>> Do not start the sending program yet...
>>>          File size           Checksum   File name
>>>    8059392 bytes (0x7afa00)   0x7520    c3660-js-mz.120-7.XK2.bin..bin
>>> WARNING: All existing data in flash will be lost!
>>> Invoke this application only for disaster recovery.
>>> Do you wish to continue? y/n  [n]:  y
>>> Ready to receive file c3660-js-mz.120-7.XK2.bin..bin ...
>>> BB0BB0
>>> Timeout waiting for data - aborting download...
>>> rommon 2 > confreg 0x2101
>>> rommon 3 > reset
>>> System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
>>> Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
>>> C3660 processor with 65536 Kbytes of main memory
>>> Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with parity disabled
>>> loadprog: error - on read during ELF program load
>>> requested 10471860 (0x9fc9b4) bytes, got 8039940 (0x7aae04)
>>> boot: cannot load "flash:"
>>> System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
>>> Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
>>> C3660 processor with 65536 Kbytes of main memory
>>> Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with parity disabled
>>> rommon 1 > b
>>> loadprog: error - on read during ELF program load
>>> requested 10471860 (0x9fc9b4) bytes, got 8039940 (0x7aae04)
>>> boot: cannot load "flash:"
>>> So as u see in the above output I hv tried XModem & also ROMboot but
>>> any success.Also I tried loading the backup of the IOS for 3660 which i
>>> had,thro. TFTP server by giving the following command
>>>      b c3660-js-mz.120-7.XK2.bin..bin:
>>> where is the address of the TFTP server but no use.
>>> If any one of u hv faced similar problem,Can u pl. mail the solution
>>> detailed sequence of steps to solve it.
>>> Thanx & warm regards
>>> ss2001
>>[GroupStudy.com removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a
>>of umajumdar.vcf]

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