Hmm...I don't know what the little "hole" is but accessing the console on a
6509 is just like any other device.  Set your stop bits to 1 and give that a
try.  1 is the default setting for Cisco consoles.

Remember: 9600, 8, none, 1

Rik Guyler

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:27 PM
Subject: Connect 6509 with CONSOLE [7:17983]

Hi All,

I attempted to access to the CAT 6509 with the CONSOLE port today.  This
6509 is in production.  It appeared that I didn't get any output on my
HyperTerminal.  My HyperTerminal setting is:  9600 bits per second, Data
bits = 8, Parity = none, Stope bit = 2 (as indicated on, Flow
control = none.

There's also a little hidden hole right next to the CONSOLE port labelled as
"Console mode...".  I don't know if I have to change something to access the
console? Also, if I have to press that hidden hole to access the Console
mode, will it affect the production enviroment?  Thanks All in advance!

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