Hey moron if we're so bad why don't you boycott us.
That is right you can't.
Oh I get it you'll use all our products and services but our guns and
bullets  killed your kids and cops. Na it was your enlightened citizens that
did that. I think you got it backwards we listen to every piss-ant toothless
nation (yours included). That is gonna change I think Bush and our congress
made it clear either you are with us or against us. My advice send them out
or we're coming in.
Oh and I am sorry I called you a moron your "English" your a twit.

----- Original Message -----
From: "A non-American" 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: 'It's not the US they want to destroy. It's our arrogance'

> Gutless ? What cause would you train months for with a guarantee of death
> life imprisonment ?
> The facts as I see them are -
> A. the victims were blameless and deserved nothing of what they received.
> heart goes out especially to the rescue crews, imagine dying trying to
> B. the organisation and commitment was amazing, in a nuclear world
> retaliation must be very precise and fully calculated rather than
> Do not underestimate these people, it would be very dumb indeed to assume
> that they are less intelligent than yourselves.
> C. many reading this will not like this but the actions of the US
> for decades has been in the interest of the US and much blood has been
> by them and 3rd parties funded by them. Is the hatred you feel for your
> attackers of your people less valid than theirs ? What attack against
> people would you find unacceptable ? The gloves are off - no ? Somebody
> out there feels this against your country. The US must try and find these
> people to make them answer for this but must also look inwards at the same
> time!! priority is to stop it happening again no ? Look at the tit for tat
> mess Israel is in...
> I'm English and for a long time American money has paid for bullets and
> semtex used in my country - children are dead as are many policemen not to
> mention the civilians popped off because they have the wrong religion. The
> level of ignorance in the US is truly amazing, everybody outside the US is
> disgusted by this act but not many are asking why, we've got a pretty good
> idea.
> Word of advice - we get CNN too and it's biased as hell, listen to the
> from somewhere ANYWHERE else once in a while.
> A non-American
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Fenech, William J
> Sent: 13 September 2001 01:55
> Subject: RE: 'It's not the US they want to destroy. It's our arrogance'
> [7:19699]
> Don't waste your time with idiots like this (aka Reeta Sinha). The people
> who pulled off this gutless act, and the ones who support them should be
> exterminated, pure and simple.

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