Is there any way I can find which routers do not support it, I assume that
each router must run IOS 11.3 or later?


""Sasa Milic""  wrote in message
> Lance,
> DNA LSAs are not allowed because router received LSAs (ten different
> LSAa) without DC bit set in options field from other routers in the
> area. That means that there are routers in the area which doesn't
> support demand circuit. As you remember, in order to support DNAs,
> all routers in the area must support it, which is not the case in
> your network.
> Sasa
> Lance wrote:
> >
> > I have R6 connected to R5 via an ethernet and a ISDN link.  The ISDN
> is
> > configured as an OSPF demand circuit however when I do a show ip ospf
int I
> > get the following output.  Notice that it says "DoNotAge LSA not allowed
> > (Number of DCbitless LSA is 10)".  Why is this, I need for the DoNotAge
> > to be allowed and I thought this is what ospf demand-circuit is for.
> > this is CCbootcamp lab 8a.  Please help?
> >
> > R6#sho ip ospf int bri0
> > BRI0 is up, line protocol is up (spoofing)
> >   Internet Address, Area 0
> >   Process ID 64, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT,
> > 1562
> >   Configured as demand circuit.
> >   Run as demand circuit.
> >   DoNotAge LSA not allowed (Number of DCbitless LSA is 10).
> >   Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
> >   Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
> >     Hello due in 00:00:06
> >   Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
> >     Adjacent with neighbor  (Hello suppressed)
> >   Suppress hello for 1 neighbor(s)

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