
I would probably sell everything except the 2501 and one of the 2511's. The
money you get from the equipment you sell should be enough to purchase some
more useful routers and a set-based Catalyst switch. Go to under their "Build a Home Lab" link. There is some
useful information there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 10:10 PM
Subject: Help in setting up a lab!! [7:23836]

Dear Router/switches gurus!!

Here goes a simple question that will help me out a lot from now one.. I
just bought the following equipments from a company that ran out of

4 2511
3 AS2511RJ
1 2501
3 catalyst 1200 (older than my grandma!!!)

I heard that the IOS of the 1200 is similar to the 5000 , that is much more

All of them are running 11.x and has 8MB flash

I have got most of those cables like the octal (2 of them) and I have to get
some back to back cables. I am working towards my CCNP and future CCIE and I
would like to know what else should I buy to make my lab or labs up and
running. And how much would that cost to me??.

I also would like to setup a lab where people could telnet in ..

Any comments would be welcome!!

Thanks ,


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