Use Xon/Xoff

The just hit enter, or ctr;+R.

""Carroll Kong""  wrote in message
> At 09:47 PM 11/15/01 -0500, Mark Rose wrote:
> >I was given a Baystack 350t and I'm trying to get into it to set up the
> >configuration. I am using the default settings (9600,8,1,no,1,none). I am
> >entering ctrl+C as per documentation. I get no response. I could use
> >suggestions from anyone who has used this switch.
> >
> >TIA
> >Mark
> Try ctrl-d, enter, etc.  If it does not work, it might just be a bad
> one.  I did an audit with a pile of these darn bay stacks, and some of
> would just REFUSE to work.  Of course, since we audited so many of them,
> 80% of them were consoleable, the others failed.  Ah well.
> -Carroll Kong

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