Hi... I have a 5505 catalyst switch, there are two supervisor on its
module/slot 1 and 2.  Module 1's is in ok status and module 2 is standby
status.   There are two optical fibre port on each of the supervisor module,
and the two optical fibre port on the module 1 is connected to another 2 X
5505 catalyst switches and another two optical ports on the standby is left

My question is
1)I want to connect the 5505 switch with another 2X catalyst 3660 switch via
the two optical port on the standy module, is that okay, or we need to buy
another supervisor module?

2)When I type "show module 2", why I can't see the two optical fibre status?

3)If we want to add on more supervisor module, what should we do? Just slot

Thanks in advance

Cat55-L8-1> sh module
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --------
1   1    2     1000BaseSX Supervisor     WS-X5534            ok
2   2    2     1000BaseSX Supervisor     WS-X5534            standby
3   3    24    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X5225R           ok
4   4    1     Route Switch              WS-X5302            ok
5   5    24    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X5225R           ok

Mod Module-Name         Serial-Num
--- ------------------- --------------------
1                       00012751856
2                       00012741455
3                       00013370887
4                       00013353225
5                       00012786062

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw
--- -------------------------------------- ------ ----------
1   00-d0-06-3e-0c-00 to 00-d0-06-3e-0f-ff 3.2    3.1.2      5.1(1)
2   00-d0-06-3e-0c-00 to 00-d0-06-3e-0f-ff 3.2    3.1.2      5.1(1)
3   00-50-0f-b7-2e-58 to 00-50-0f-b7-2e-6f 3.1    4.3(1)     5.1(1)
4   00-e0-1e-92-72-c8 to 00-e0-1e-92-72-c9 7.5    20.14      12.0(3c)W5(8),
5   00-50-0f-20-f9-a8 to 00-50-0f-20-f9-bf 3.1    4.3(1)     5.1(1)

Mod Sub-Type Sub-Model Sub-Serial Sub-Hw
--- -------- --------- ---------- ------
1   EARL 1+  WS-F5520  0012736730 1.1
1   uplink   WS-U5534F 0012779546 1.0
2   EARL 1+  WS-F5520  0011446300 1.1
2   uplink   WS-U5534F 0012779657 1.0

Cat55-L8-1> sh module 1
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --------
1   1    2     1000BaseSX Supervisor     WS-X5534            ok

Mod Module-Name         Serial-Num
--- ------------------- --------------------
1                       00012751856

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw
--- -------------------------------------- ------ ----------
1   00-d0-06-3e-0c-00 to 00-d0-06-3e-0f-ff 3.2    3.1.2      5.1(1)

Mod Sub-Type Sub-Model Sub-Serial Sub-Hw
--- -------- --------- ---------- ------
1   EARL 1+  WS-F5520  0012736730 1.1
1   uplink   WS-U5534F 0012779546 1.0

Cat55-L8-1> sh module 2
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --------
2   2    2     1000BaseSX Supervisor     WS-X5534            standby

Mod Module-Name         Serial-Num
--- ------------------- --------------------
2                       00012741455

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw
--- -------------------------------------- ------ ----------
2   00-d0-06-3e-0c-00 to 00-d0-06-3e-0f-ff 3.2    3.1.2      5.1(1)

Mod Sub-Type Sub-Model Sub-Serial Sub-Hw
--- -------- --------- ---------- ------
2   EARL 1+  WS-F5520  0011446300 1.1
2   uplink   WS-U5534F 0012779657 1.0

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